First of all,I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt Congratulations to you graduates, the parents or guardians, the teaching staff and all benefactors for a fruitful and successful school year that has ended.

Indeed, you have finished the educational race at a certain level and your graduation has come. This is a moment to rejoice for at last you now grasped your diplomas, the absolute proof of your victorious endeavors and the fruits of your enduring sacrifices. My dear graduates, be always reminded that graduation is just a beginning to another more arduous task ahead. You must march forward and brave the rain and topple down the several hurdles that lies in the future which are seemingly undeterminable.

As you leave the portals of your dear Alma Mater, pause a moment, meditate and thank God for everything for without Him we can do nothing.

Lastly, may all of your memories stay beside you as you chase all of your dreams on the way to your next adventure.

Eugeniano Ibarra

Municipal Mayor